Ceilidh Band in Wales
The Backroom Band is one of the most experienced and lively ceilidh bands in Wales.
Our music and dances draw on the rich traditional folk repertoire of Wales, Ireland, England and Scotland and will light up your barn dance, wedding celebration or event. We perform a mixture of songs and instrumentals when dancers feel the need for a break.
If you’re looking for wedding or party entertainment that will get people involved and break down barriers, you’re looking for the Backroom Band. Young or old, Welsh or English speaking, seasoned dancers or people with two left feet – our experienced, bilingual and enthusiastic caller will get you on the floor.
Mae’n fand Twmpath o Aberystwyth, Ceredigion wedi cael pobl ar eu traed yn dawnsio ers 30 mlynedd. Mae’n fiwsig a’n dawnsio yn tynnu ar draddodiadau gwerin o Gymru, Iwerddon, Lloegr a’r Alban as fyddai’n goleuo’ch twmpath, dathliad priodas neu digwyddiad. Rydym yn perfformio cymysgedd o ganeuon ac offerynnau pan rydych eisiau toriad o’r dawnsio.
Recent gig – Summertime Irish Dance

Barn Dance Wales
If you’re looking for some one to play at your barn dance in Wales you’ve found the right place! Contact us to discuss your requirements!
Os ydych yn chwilio am adloniant priodas neu barti fydd yn dod â phobl at ei gilydd, yna’r Backroom Band yw’r un i chi. Boed yn hen neu ifanc, yn ddawnswyr profiadol neu a dwy droed chwith, mae’n galwr profiadol, dwyieithog a brwdfrydig yn siwr o’ch cael i ddawnsio. Ac os na fedrwch ffeindio Twmpath Dawns cyhoeddus yng Ngheredigion neu unryw ran arall o Gymru – pam na rowch help i’ch clwb neu gymdeithas i drefnu un?
“It was a personal pleasure to hear real musicians performing to such a high standard at such an event”
“Dear Andy
This is just a short note to congratulate you on Saturday night’s performance and calling. I am still aching from the unusual muscle groups I was required to use. It was a personal pleasure to hear real musicians performing to such a high standard at such an event, and the interlude pieces in particular were played with great feeling and sensitivity. I hope you and the band enjoyed it too.”
Best regards
Julian Smyth
Cyfarwyddwr, Swyddfa Datblygu a Chysylltiadau Alumni / Director, Development and Alumni Relations Office
Prifysgol Aberystwyth / Aberystwyth University